Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Incredible Ireland!


Well I made it to Dublin no problem! I got on all my flights with ease. My goodness I have hardly been in Ireland for a couple of hours and I'm in absoulte awe of how beautiful it is. My jaw dropped as I was taking the bus to my hostel. I never thought that a city could be so amazing. I love the housing made with bricks and stones, the shapes of the typical houses is wonderful. I just wish I could describe what it's like and how amazing I think it is.

I am looking forward to exploring tomorrow and soaking up this amazing, beautiful, green country of Ireland. More great news is that I have decided I'm going to continue on in my travels and stay in Europe longer. My plan is to travel England for awhile before I come home. I am doing amazingly well, enjoying myself, and I'm already half way across the world I might as well keep travelling!!

It's crazy for me that looking back now Greece is all a memory for me its no longer a reality. I most definetly enjoyed my time on the Greek Islands and in Athens. It is a relief to be out of the crowded city of Athens and in a country that at least speaks my own language. It was perfect timing for me to leave and I truly got to see everything I wanted in Greece. Now I have a completely different culture and area to be excited about!

I will update tomorrow evening after I travel around for the day. Tomorrow I'm going to stay in Dublin all day and roam the streets, shops, and visit a few churches.

Sending my love home! Missing you all!


1 comment:

Brenda Johnson said...

We can't wait to hear more, and see some photos. I've always wanted to see Ireland so I'm seeing it through your "eyes"!!
Love Mom, Dad